I’m a videogame backend developer and love to work on ideas that create fun for others. Opensource, scalability,
developer operations, psychology, and philosophy are some of the topics that make my eyes sparkle .
I enjoy meeting new people - learning from everyone, and enjoying the company. I like living a slow-paced life observing
the environment around me and getting fascinated everyday.
In a nutshell, I’m a child inside excited to touch everything who codes decently.
This is a write-up after a long time - it was the news of leaving Mercari that I shared the last. Since then, after going through a tough phase of anxiety (a tale for another post), I’ve shifted to being a videogame backend developer at LILA Games. Being very new to the gaming ecosystem in India, I attended the IGDC... more
Just a month back, I wrote about my one-year experience at Mercari. I had no idea that would be my final experience as well - yes! I left Mercari on 30th June after working as a Software Engineer (Overseas Contractor) in the User Master Program team for over a year. It was a tough call - and I had to... more
It’s been a long since I wrote something… and I’m glad I’ve been busy with some really amazing opportunities I’d be talking about in this write-up. And guess what, I’m really excited to pen down my experience at Mercari, where I’ve completed my one year a month back (I should have completed 2 years 😭).
I, Pd-san, and Kayo-san in... more
Hey there! It seems you are interested in knowing more about my open-source experience and GSoC in general. All discussions and write-ups related to my open source experience are below:
Extended GSoC Queries as a follow up to the above. GIRLSCRIPT WEST BENGAL REGIONAL SUMMIT - GETTING STARTED IN OPEN-SOURCE All my OpenSource write... more
In this write-up, we will discuss a simple and effective technique that I learnt while meditating on the Medito app. It’s a wonderful app for guided meditation, however, we can talk about it sometime later.
I start with the background, or as I like to call it the purpose. It is an optional section and can be skipped if you... more
I’m always excited to meet you, listen to your ideas, work on transforming projects, and learn from your experiences. Please drop me an email and let’s meet over a cup of coffee for random bhaat, ideas, or anything else.
I enjoy living asynchronously ❤️