
01 Oct 2019 . learning .
Quick Notes On Improving Productivity
3 mins Read

I recently read Sam Altman’s guide to productivity. It is approximately a 10 minutes read so I’m putting summary of it below as a quick notes essay. These methods also put to test his claims of being more productive than average; where definitely average is debatable.

Samuel H. “Sam” Altman is an American entrepreneur, investor, programmer, and blogger. He is... more

18 Dec 2018 . general .
A Note On Programmers' Frustration
3 mins Read

While solving a problem during Codechef’s December Long Challenge 2018, I happened to notice a drastic improvement in my mood on getting stuck at problems; a minor change in the perspective which helped me navigate through problems more peacefully.

This blog-post will list the two differences in my viewpoint from when I left competitive coding in December 2017 and now,... more