
11 Jul 2021 . thoughts .
Internal Pressure And Choosing Our Pain
3 mins Read

I recently started with my summer internship at Mercari. The internship has started late by around two months. So, having lots of free time in May and June, I decided to make myself acquitted with the technical stack of my team at Mercari.

Having learned GoLang, Kubernetes, and other technologies in the past two months, I’m having a smooth sailing... more

28 Jan 2021 . thoughts .
difficulties and easiness of making choices
7 mins Read

The write up is yet another in the series of self-awareness and understanding myself on a deeper level. With a simple trigger, I came to understand an important concept - how, without even giving it a deserving pause, we make choices for others. We mostly have the best in mind for the person - the best from our perspective, our... more

12 Dec 2020 . thoughts .
Coming Face To Face With My Insecurities
11 mins Read

In the past few months, I’ve been trying to know myself better - aiming to become more self-aware and thereafter accepting myself. I must confess - reading it is at least 100 times easier than actually sitting down to understand myself, my emotions, and my values. It’s the difficult conversation we run away from - a straight to the point... more

01 Nov 2020 . thoughts .
How Being Called "Smart" Equals Fewer Friends
9 mins Read

This write-up took me a lot of courage to write - being guilty of the same crimes one is to write about is difficult, and that’s what I’m stepping into. For most of my life, thanks to having a comfortable upbringing and encouraging friends, I’ve been in the bracket of individuals labeled “smart”.

Yes! This write up is exclusively about... more

23 Jan 2019 . Readings .
I Read 'The Courage To Be Disliked'
4 mins Read

One particular thought I always used to get breaking the ice with a person was that, “What if I do something stupid and the person starts disliking me? How to not do something wrong?”. In crude way, this is what I was asking myself…

How to not be myself?

It is after transforming to live a life of free living... more

18 Dec 2018 . general .
A Note On Programmers' Frustration
3 mins Read

While solving a problem during Codechef’s December Long Challenge 2018, I happened to notice a drastic improvement in my mood on getting stuck at problems; a minor change in the perspective which helped me navigate through problems more peacefully.

This blog-post will list the two differences in my viewpoint from when I left competitive coding in December 2017 and now,... more

25 Aug 2018 . Readings .
I Read 'The Difficulty Of Being Good'
7 mins Read

On my way back to college campus during 4th of July of the year, my train was half an hour late, so I decided to browse through the books at a stall; and it was then that I came across the first book which intrigued me. “The Difficulty Of Being Good: On The Subtle Art Of Dharma” filled me with... more

25 Jun 2018 . general .
The Sin Of Guilt Abuse
4 mins Read

Whether we accept or not, we all have enjoyed getting our work done by emotionally influencing others. It is, mostly, harmless and erupts out of innocent intent. However, at times, we unknowingly push it beyond its bounds and then the repercussions are not positive!

Before emotional manipulation, let’s define guilt. Firstly, it is important to realize that Guilt is not... more

24 Jun 2018 . general .
Welcome To {Cogito, Ergo Sum}
3 mins Read

I Think, Therefore I’m, meaning of the term “Cogito, argo sum” coined by René Descartes in 1637, has been the force behind driving my life lately. It is a recent affair that I’ve started to find greatest pleasure in looking back with an over-observant eyes and pin point my reactions to life which could have been better: it feels like... more