Category: thoughts

01 Aug 2021 . thoughts .
How I Cope-Up With Overthinking (& Grief)
5 mins Read

In this write-up, we will discuss a simple and effective technique that I learnt while meditating on the Medito app. It’s a wonderful app for guided meditation, however, we can talk about it sometime later.

I start with the background, or as I like to call it the purpose. It is an optional section and can be skipped if you... more

11 Jul 2021 . thoughts .
Internal Pressure And Choosing Our Pain
3 mins Read

I recently started with my summer internship at Mercari. The internship has started late by around two months. So, having lots of free time in May and June, I decided to make myself acquitted with the technical stack of my team at Mercari.

Having learned GoLang, Kubernetes, and other technologies in the past two months, I’m having a smooth sailing... more

28 Jan 2021 . thoughts .
difficulties and easiness of making choices
7 mins Read

The write up is yet another in the series of self-awareness and understanding myself on a deeper level. With a simple trigger, I came to understand an important concept - how, without even giving it a deserving pause, we make choices for others. We mostly have the best in mind for the person - the best from our perspective, our... more

12 Dec 2020 . thoughts .
Coming Face To Face With My Insecurities
11 mins Read

In the past few months, I’ve been trying to know myself better - aiming to become more self-aware and thereafter accepting myself. I must confess - reading it is at least 100 times easier than actually sitting down to understand myself, my emotions, and my values. It’s the difficult conversation we run away from - a straight to the point... more

01 Nov 2020 . thoughts .
How Being Called "Smart" Equals Fewer Friends
9 mins Read

This write-up took me a lot of courage to write - being guilty of the same crimes one is to write about is difficult, and that’s what I’m stepping into. For most of my life, thanks to having a comfortable upbringing and encouraging friends, I’ve been in the bracket of individuals labeled “smart”.

Yes! This write up is exclusively about... more