In this write-up, we will discuss a simple and effective technique that I learnt while meditating on the Medito app. It’s a wonderful app for guided meditation, however, we can talk about it sometime later.
I start with the background, or as I like to call it the purpose. It is an optional section and can be skipped if you... more
We all do mistakes and they are unavoidable. From small mistakes such as interrupting someone while speaking (the motivation for this technique) to larger and more disastrous ones. While first-time mistakes are forgiven, repeating the same ones is seen as a characteristic of ours (and is indeed a bad habit). And I wanted to address them after reading the book... more
The write up is yet another in the series of self-awareness and understanding myself on a deeper level. With a simple trigger, I came to understand an important concept - how, without even giving it a deserving pause, we make choices for others. We mostly have the best in mind for the person - the best from our perspective, our... more
In the past few months, I’ve been trying to know myself better - aiming to become more self-aware and thereafter accepting myself. I must confess - reading it is at least 100 times easier than actually sitting down to understand myself, my emotions, and my values. It’s the difficult conversation we run away from - a straight to the point... more
This write-up took me a lot of courage to write - being guilty of the same crimes one is to write about is difficult, and that’s what I’m stepping into. For most of my life, thanks to having a comfortable upbringing and encouraging friends, I’ve been in the bracket of individuals labeled “smart”.
Yes! This write up is exclusively about... more