I recently had to setup metrics monitoring for a node.js application that I have been running using PM2 clusters. This article provides an approach to do the same and I believe should be helpful to anyone wanting to collect metrics and setup grafana dashboard for their application which uses PM2 as a process manager and runs in cluster mode.
PM2... more
This writeup summarises my experience of building a GraphQL API using Node.js and MongoDB. I’ve found it easy to develop APIs that have CRUD operations of fairly medium complexity and do not have many layers of authorization to access data. It is also fabulous how well all three technologies; Node, Mongo, and GraphQL integrate without any issues. You can find... more
I recently had the opportunity to work on a large dataset (roughly 1TB) and analyze it using Python for filtering data based on some given parameters. In this post, I’ll be summing up how I accomplished the task using Python and used various measures to make the filtering process efficient.
Task Details
We have a large number of gzip files... more
Once we get used to serving static content with Nginx, it is hard to notice the subtle changes we might require to serve React static content which uses react-router. I faced a similar bug when only the index page of iit-techambit.in was being exposed and rest pages were to be found nowhere unless redirected from the home page itself.
Nginx... more